Customized Framesets


This script helps you to create a frameset with a content page other than the homepage.
I use this script myself on this site to make sure that if a user enters on another page than the homepage, he still sees my frameset but with the content page he originally wanted to see.

In fact, this whole script is very simple. First of all you need to find out what page should be shown in the content frame, then you write out the frameset with JavaScript and fill in the correct page in the SRC of the content frame.

First I'll explain the script I use myself, which does slightly more than just customizing my frameset, then I'll take a look at another frequent situation: a noframes homepage that leads to several content pages that all have to be in the same frameset.

The script

In each page I include this script:

var naar = location.href.substring(location.href.lastIndexOf("/")+1);

if ((top != self.parent) || (top == self))
	top.location.replace('index.html?' + naar);

Then in the index page (where the frameset is) I use the following script:

var query = (location.href.indexOf("?")+1);
var page = 'intro.html'
if (query)
	page = location.href.substring(query);

document.write('<frameset cols="200,*" frameborder=0 border=0 framespacing=0>');
document.write('<frame name="navi" src="navi.html" scrolling="auto" NORESIZE>');
document.write('<frame name="content" src=' + page + ' scrolling="auto" NORESIZE>');


First of all I check if the parent of the frame the script is in (which is always a content page in the content frame) is top. If it isn't, something is wrong. (For more info about top, see the Introduction to frames).

if ((top != self.parent) || (top == self))

This check has two parts. The first (top != self.parent ) fires when when my site is caught in someone else's frameset, the second (top == self) fires when one of my content pages is in its own window. On this page I'll explain this last case, the first one is explained in more detail on the Frame Busting page.

The included script

So as an example, let's assume a user comes directly to this page, framecustom.html. As soon as the page starts loading, the included script starts working. First of all it reads out the name of the current page by taking everything behind the last slash / in the URL:

var naar = location.href.substring(location.href.lastIndexOf("/")+1);

Now I have the name of the page the user is on.

Then for the actual check. See if the frame the page is in is the top (top == self). It is, since the user only sees this page. Therefore we replace the location of top with index.html?framecustom.html, so we add the name of this page behind a ? after the index.html

if ((top != self.parent) || (top == self))
	top.location.replace('index.html?' + naar);

Now the user goes to index.html

By using replace index.html replaces this page in the history of the browser, so that if the user hits the Back key, he's sent back to the site he was on before coming to my site. If I didn't use replace, it would be impossible to use the Back key since the user would be sent back to this page and immediately sent forward to the frameset again. Not very user friendly.

The script on index.html

So now the user loads index.html?framecustom.html . In itself, this solves nothing: without some extra scripting the user would still see the homepage because by itself the browser ignores the ?framecustom.html bit.

That's where the script on the index page comes into play. First of all, it checks if there's a ? in the URL and puts the index number + 1 of the question mark in query. I add 1 because that makes the script more easy.

var query = (location.href.indexOf("?")+1);

Then I define the variable page and put the default value in it: the homepage:

var page = 'intro.html'

Finally, if there's a ? in the URL (if query is not zero), read out the bit that's behind the ? and put it in page:

if (query)
	page = location.href.substring(query);

Now page contains the pagename behind the ? and if there's no ? (if the user simply goes to index.html) it contains the homepage. So all we need to do is write out the frameset and use page as the source of the content frame:

document.write('<frameset cols="200,*" frameborder=0 border=0 framespacing=0>');
document.write('<frame name="navi" src="navi.html" scrolling="auto" NORESIZE>');
document.write('<frame name="content" src=' + page + ' scrolling="auto" NORESIZE>');

The only disadvantage of this method is that browser without JavaScript can't enter your site, but since all frame supporting browsers also support JavaScript I don't mind too much. Besides, my site is about JavaScript so I expect people to come here with a JavaScript browser.

Other situations

An other frequent situation is that you have a noframes homepage with lots of links to several content pages that should all open inside a frameset. This script can also be used for that situation.

Add the second script to the frameset page, so that you only have to supply it with a ?pagename.html for it to work.

var query = (location.href.indexOf("?")+1);
var page = 'YourDefault.html'
if (query)
	page = location.href.substring(query);

document.write('write your own frameset here');
document.write('<frame name="content" src=' + page + ' scrolling="auto" NORESIZE>');
document.write('write your own frameset here');

Then on the noframes homepage, simply call the frameset with the correct pagename behind the ?:

<A HREF="frameset.html?firstpage.html">The First Page</A>
<A HREF="frameset.html?directory/secondpage.html">The Second Page in another directory</A>
