Mouse Events

  • This page describes Version 4 techniques.

    The mouse events are by far the most important events. On this page I introduce some of the most common problems and tricks.

    We’ll go through all mouse events: mousedown, mouseup and click, dblclick, mousemove and finally mouseover and mouseout. Then I explain the relatedTarget, fromElement and toElement event properties. Finally the Microsoft proprietary mouseenter and mouseleave events.

    For browser compatibility, see the Events page.


    Here’s a small example. Try it to better understand the explanations below.
    Mousedown, mouseup, click and dblclick are registered to the link. You’ll see the events that take place in the textarea, or in an alert, if you so choose.

    The event handlers are registered on this link.
    Clear textarea.

    Show alert instead of writing to textarea

    Mousedown, mouseup, click

    If the user clicks on an element no less than three mouse events fire, in this order:

    1. mousedown, user depresses the mouse button on this element
    2. mouseup, user releases the mouse button on this element
    3. click, one mousedown and one mouseup detected on this element

    In general mousedown and mouseup are more useful than click. Some browsers don’t allow you to read out mouse button information onclick. Furthermore, sometimes the user does something with his mouse but no click event follows.

    Suppose the user depresses the mouse button on a link, then moves his mouse off the link and then releases the mouse button. Now the link only registers a mousedown event. Similarly, if the user depresses the mouse button, then moves the mouse over a link and then releases the mouse button, the link only registers a mouseup. In neither case does a click event fire.

    Whether or not this is a problem depends on the user interaction you want. But you should generally register your script onmousedown/up, unless you’re completely sure you want the click event and nothing else.

    If you use alerts in handling these events, the browser may lose track of which event took place on which element and how many times it took place, messing up your scripts. So it’s best not to use alerts.


    The dblclick event is rarely used. Even when you use it, you should be sure never to register both an onclick and an ondblclick event handler on the same HTML element. Finding out what the user has actually done is nearly impossible if you register both.

    After all, when the user double–clicks on an element one click event takes place before the dblclick. Besides, in Netscape the second click event is also separately handled before the dblclick. Finally, alerts are dangerous here, too.

    So keep your clicks and dblclicks well separated to avoid complications.


    The mousemove event works fine, even in Netscape 4, but you should be aware that it may take quite some system time to process all mousemove events. If the user moves the mouse one pixel, the mousemove event fires. Even when nothing actually happens, long and complicated functions take time and this may affect the usability of the site: everything goes very slowly, especially on old computers.

    Therefore it’s best to register an onmousemove event handler only when you need it and to remove it as soon as it’s not needed any more:

    element.onmousemove = doSomething;
    // later
    element.onmousemove = null;
    Netscape 4

    This is one of the few cases in which Netscape 4’s model is actually useful. Capture the mouse event when you need it and release it when you don’t need it any more. You don’t need to re–define the event handler.

    element.onmousemove = doSomething;
    // later

    Mouseover and mouseout

    Take another look at the example, switch the mouseovers on and try them. The example adds an onmouseover event handler to ev3 only. However, you’ll notice that (except in Netscape 4) a mouseover event takes place not only when the mouse enters ev3's area, but also when it enters the area of ev4 or the span. In Mozilla before 1.3, the event even fires when the mouse enters the area of a text!

    The reason for this is of course event bubbling. The user causes a mouseover event on ev4. There is no onmouseover event handler on this element, but there is one on ev3. As soon as the event has bubbled up to this element, the event handler is executed.
    As to Netscape 4, I’m not sure why it behaves as it does.

    Now this setup, though completely correct, gives us some problems. Our first problem is targeting. Suppose the mouse enters ev4:

    | This is div id="ev3"                  |
    |   -----------------------------       |
    |   | This is div id="ev4"      |       |
    |   | --------              <--------   |
    |   | | span |                  |       |
    |   | |      |                  |       |
    |   | --------                  |       |
    |   -----------------------------       |
    <--------: mouse movement

    Now the target/srcElement of this event is ev4: it’s the element the event took place on, since the user mouses over it. But when this happens:

    | This is div id="ev3"                  |
    |   -----------------------------       |
    |   | This is div id="ev4"      |       |
    |   | --------                  |       |
    |   | | span |                  |       |
    |   | |    -------->            |       |
    |   | --------                  |       |
    |   -----------------------------       |
    -------->: mouse movement

    the event has exactly the same target/srcElement. Here, too, the mouse enters ev4. Nonetheless you might want do one thing when the mouse comes from ev3 and another thing when it comes from the SPAN. So we need to know where the mouse comes from.

    relatedTarget, fromElement, toElement

    W3C added the relatedTarget property to mouseover and mouseout events. This contains the element the mouse came from in case of mouseover, or the element it goes to in case of mouseout.

    Microsoft created two properties to contain this information:

    In our first example, relatedTarget/fromElement contains a reference to ev4, in our second example to the SPAN. Now you know where the mouse came from.

    Cross–browser scripts

    So if you want to know where the mouse comes from in case of mouseover, do:

    function doSomething(e)
    	var relTarg;
    	if (!e) var e = window.event;
    	if (e.relatedTarget) relTarg = e.relatedTarget;
    	else if (e.fromElement) relTarg = e.fromElement;

    If you want to know where the mouse goes to in case of mouseout, do:

    function doSomething(e)
    	var relTarg;
    	if (!e) var e = window.event;
    	if (e.relatedTarget) relTarg = e.relatedTarget;
    	else if (e.toElement) relTarg = e.toElement;

    Only on target

    When using mouseover and mouseout sometimes we don’t want to be bothered with event bubbling. For instance, in a layer-based navigation you may need to know when the mouse leaves a layer so that it can be closed. Therefore you register an onmouseout event handler to the layer. However, you don’t want to be bothered by the internal mouseouts on the actual links.

    | Layer      |.onmouseout = doSomething;
    | --------   |
    | | Link | ----> We want to know about this mouseout
    | |      |   |
    | --------   |
    | --------   |
    | | Link |   |
    | |    ----> | but not about this one
    | --------   |
    ---->: mouse movement

    So how do we reject any mouseout that does not take place on the layer the event handler is registered to, any mouseout that bubbles up from the links?

    The solution is to see if the target/srcElement of the event is the same element as the element the event handler has been registered to (in our case, the navigation layer). As will be explained later on, you can usually find this element by using the the this keyword.

    If target/srcElement refers to the same HTML element as this, the user has moved his mouse out of the actual layer. If it doesn’t refer to the same element the user has caused an internal mouseout that should be ignored. To detect this, you could do:

    function doSomething(e)
    	if (!e) e = window.event;
    	if ( var trg =;
    	else if (e.srcElement) var trg = e.srcElement;
    	if (trg != this) return // Mouseout on links, ignore event
    	// Mouseout took place on layer
    	// Handle event

    Mouseenter and mouseleave

    Microsoft has another solution. It has created two new events mouseenter and mouseleave. They are almost the same as mouseover and mouseout except that they don’t react to event bubbling. Therefore they see the entire HTML element they’re registered to as one solid block and don’t react to mouseovers and –outs taking place inside the block.

    So using these events solves our problem too: they react only to mouseovers/outs on the element they’re registered to.

    At the moment these events are only supported by Explorer 5.5 on Windows and higher. Maybe the other browser vendors will copy these events.
