The traditional theory

On this page, I will summarize the traditional identifications of Dietrich, Siegfried and the Nibelungen and the axioma's underlying these identifications.

Scholars generally agree on the identity of Dietrich von Bern, Attila the Hun and the Nibelungen, but are less certain when it comes to Siegfried.

The most surprising feature of these identifications, is, however

By common scholarly consent, those persons not having merited an honourable mention in a Latin chronicle (roughly 99.9 % of the population) are excluded from identification.

There is a second axioma, too:

Load the page discussing Beck's criticism of Ritter's theory. The above axioma features prominently in his short note.

As you may have noticed, I am no firm believer in the traditional identifications. Nevertheless, I will try to treat them as fairly as possible, though the surprising lack of evidence does not make this task any easier.

Continue the Introduction.